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Stone Therapy Massage
Hot Stone Massage

Stone Therapy Massage is a specialised form of massage therapy using smooth heated or cooled stones to enhance the therapeutic benefits of traditional massage technques. This holistic treatment aims to promote physical and emotional healing by combining thermotherapy and cryotherapy with massage. Stone Therapy Massage is beneficial for a wide range of clients, including clients with muscle tension and pain, stress and anxiety, those seeking deep relaxation and those with poor circulation.

Heated basalt stones are used to warm up tight muscles, improve circulation and induce relaxation. Marble stones are used for cold stone therapy and can be applied to reduce inflammation, soothe muscle injuries and revitalise the body. The stones are used as tools, gliding them over muscles to deliver deep pressure and warmth. Stones can be strategically placed on points on the body to heat specific areas. Some sessions will incorporate both hot and cold stones to stimulate the circulatory system and enhance therapeutic effects.

Physical benefits include pain relief, improved circulation which increases nutrients and aids recovery, muscle relaxation, detoxification and boosted immunity. 

Mental health benefits include reducing cortisol (stress hormone) levels, and increasing dopamine and serotonin levels which improve your mood. The relaxation achieved during these sessions can clear the mind, leading to improved concentration and mental activity. 


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